The Mead Institute is the dedicated training, coaching and development branch of The Mead Educational Trust (TMET) – training staff, post-16 students and volunteers to be the best that they can be in order to maximise the quality of education for pupils.
The three pillars that underpin the Mead Institute are the Leicester and Leicestershire Teaching School Hub, the Leicestershire Secondary School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT) – both of which are also part of The Mead Educational Trust – and professional learning for those involved in education. Through these we offer the National Professional Qualifications (NPQs), governor training, initial teacher training and system leadership support.
We are a new entity, having been established in June 2022, but we are fortunate to draw on the years of experience and expertise from the leaders and staff in TMET as well as its established and highly regarded Teaching School Hub and SCITT.
The Mead Institute encompasses five key strands:
- Initial teacher training
- Professional development
- Leadership development
- School improvement
- Research development and quality assurance